/manager/Index en-au 5 Identifying aspects of temporal orientation in students' moral reflections /manager/Repository/uon:39895 Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland (originally published in 1992). The students answered and discussed open-ended questions regarding the relevance of the text to their lives and others’ lives, and the applicability of this historical situation to Europe now and in the future. Using this empirical material, the analysis provides a tentative overarching depiction of students’ expressions of temporal orientation, and reports on findings of how temporal orientations relate to moral reflection.]]> Wed 29 Jun 2022 13:53:05 AEST ]]> The good citizen: Revisiting moral motivations for introducing historical consciousness in history education drawing on the writings of Gadamer /manager/Repository/uon:39554 Wed 27 Jul 2022 14:31:56 AEST ]]> Mapping moral consciousness in research on historical consciousness and education - a summative content analysis of 512 research articles published between 1980 and 2020 /manager/Repository/uon:46005 Tue 08 Nov 2022 17:00:07 AEDT ]]> Bridging historical consciousness and moral consciousness: promises and challenges /manager/Repository/uon:32278 Towards an integrated theory of historical and moral consciousness, supported by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences) and Suomen kasvatuksen ja koulutuksen historian seura (The Finnish Society for the History of Education) and held at the University of Helsinki, in 2015. History teaching and social studies education are increasingly expected to develop, among other things, students' historical consciousness. This goal is highly relevant for students' ability to deal constructively with controversial issues of history which is an important civic competence in the situation where in many societies' political arguments concerning, for example, citizenship rights, ethnic and cultural diversity, and democracy are only too often fuelled by simplistic narratives of historical change and continuity. However, there is a blank spot in the existing research on historical consciousness in that intersections between historical and moral consciousness remain very much unexplored. This special issue seeks to identify promising theoretical and conceptual points of convergence for future interdisciplinary studies of historical and moral consciousness. Contributors are from the fields of history, educational research, social psychology, and philosophy.]]> Mon 23 Sep 2019 13:54:02 AEST ]]> Historical and Moral Consciousness in Education. Learning Ethics for Democratic Citizenship Education /manager/Repository/uon:47598 Mon 23 Jan 2023 15:38:25 AEDT ]]> Advances in ethics education in the history classroom: after intersections of moral and historical consciousness /manager/Repository/uon:40193 Mon 01 Aug 2022 08:10:14 AEST ]]> Why is ethics important in history education? A dialogue between the various ways of understanding the relationship between ethics and historical consciousness /manager/Repository/uon:36964 Fri 24 Jul 2020 13:31:44 AEST ]]>